Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hyperion Installation document

Hyperion High Level Installation Steps

Download PDF with Architecture Diagram. Hyperion Installation

Here I am explaining about Hyperion installation on a distributed environment (High Level). Since planning and reporting are expected to consume high resources we kept these services separated.

Hyperion Installation Steps.

1) Install Oracle Binaries (11gR2) . Since we planned to test cold failover we had installed the oracle binaries on cluster.
2) Create a dummy (blank) db using DBCA.
3) Install 11gR2 client.
4) Install Hyperion essbase. You need to deselect all the other components which are selected by default.

5) Install Foundation(Shared Services) and Financial reporting . By default essbase and planning are selected , deselect them before proceeding with the installation

6) Installation Planning . Here you need to deselect other components which are checked by default.

Hyperion Configuration Steps

Create Schema:

We can install each service on different schema or same schema. To isolate each module we created separate schemas

Hss: stands for Hyperion shared services
Hbi: Hyperion Business Intelligence
heas: Hyperion essbase administration services’
hes: Hyperion essbase studio

Configure different services:
When you invoke the installer it asks you about which service to configure make sure you do it as below on each server. Also make sure you select the correct schema created above .

a) Configure Shared service ( LinuxappHyperion)
b) Configure essbase ( LinuxDBHyperion )
c) Configure Planning ( WindowsHyperion )
d) Configure Reporting ( LinuxappHyperion )

Thanks ,
Sandarsh Chavalmane

1 comment:

Srikanth Bolagani Oracle Apps DBA Blog said...

Very useful info. Appreciate for your time.

Thanks, Srikanth